Working method
Our approach is simple: we provide all our experience, creativity and equipment to meet customer needs without backing down in front of the most special or challenging requests.
Rapari guarantees quality, efficiency, on-time delivery and a competitive price/quality ratio. The company operates with the utmost transparency and reliability by accepting only those orders that can be fulfilled in the best possible way and on time.
Our technologies
All of the equipment that is part of our plants has been set up according to the guiding principles of the Industry 4.0.
Production-related information is networked and used to ensure continuous control over the quality and quantity produced, even remotely-this minimizes machine downtime, errors or delays. Striving for continuous innovation, we are focusing on the transition to Industry 5.0 through investment in new, latest-generation, energy-efficient technologies.

Upon customer request we activate the design of new or special products and take care of both the design and the possible introduction of special materials or finishes. Rapari Synthetc Closures is also able to graphically customize the final product to deliver you a unique product.

In recent years, thanks to rapid technological evolution, we have consistently focused on integrating innovative new technologies. The processes are not only more precise but also safer, faster, and more sustainable.

The computer management system communicates with all machinery and keeps production cycles, bills of materials, production orders, warehouse movements and job accounting under control. Thanks to the constant mapping of what happens in the production department, Rapari Synthetic Closures is able to simultaneously manage production cycles.